
We were on the way to college my we was including Farhan and me

I was driving the car and he was sleeping beside me as lazy ass he didn't brought his own car and requested me to bring him too

He actually wasn't requesting but instead blackmailing me saying he will tell Meher that I was thinking about her all night

Was I

Okay I think i was but what can I do i literally did all possible thinks to keep her out of mind but her thoughts being stubborn didn't leave me

Even tried talking to every possible member of family to stop thinking about her

But again her face comes in my mind when I am all alone

For a moment I thought has she done any black magic on me

But silly me does it even exist in 21st century i don't think so

Okay off the track what was i saying

Oh Yeah after trying so many things to distract myself from her thoughts I finally slept at 4 and woke up when this idiot called me at 4.30 to ask if I was thinking about her

How did he even know that

Has he kept camera in my room

I checked but didn't got anything

This man seriously wasted my sleep again by talking about her

So after cursing him continuously for atleast few minutes  he himself hanged up not before blackmailing me to pick him up and here the king is sleeping snoring loudly

I turned towards him and saw that he has his mouth open

Asshole after not Letting me sleep he is sleeping peacefully so decided to disturb him by speeding the car

Even after the speed and bumps of this roads this idiot isn't disturbed

I looked at him and was thinking a way to disturb

When I looked in front

A car was speeding this way and my car was also in speed if we crash our body will be detached in this rate

That car also wasn't slowing down

Pushing the brake hard the car stopped with a screech sound at the same time opposite car also stopped with same sound

He woke up all scared

What happen he asked

Nothing sleep you jerk

After saying so I came out of the car following Faru behind me

Both car was just has a little space

A space in which single person can pass

I was checking for any damage when a sweet and familiar voice interrupted

Ohh hello mister won't you apologize instead of checking the car

Her voice maybe sounding angry but for me it was angelic as I know it's Meher 

Slowing turning towards her i lost my senses of thinking as my mind went blank

How can she looks so beautiful even if she doesn't tried

Ohh my poor heart may brust

Asad tum ( you )

Listening my name from her mouth is heavenly

Even if I am blank I should reply her

Haan mein ( yeah me )

Maafi maango  ( ask for sorry )

But why it is not that all the fault was mine you were also driving in the speed

I said being loyal

If she is beautiful like a angel doesn't mean she can hit my self respect

Youu always do that yesterday also you didn't said sorry because of you I fell

When she said that I really felt something

She was in my arms

So warm and so soft she is

Hush!asad get on your senses ( my mind mocked )

Ohh yeah

It was amazing I blurted


Now say sorry or else she said pointing her index finger towards my face looking up to me

She doesn't understand that I said her being in my arms was amazing

Even in heels she is so small only reaching till my chest

So cute

And her finger long but small for me


I held her little index finger between my thumb and forefinger turned her whole body as now her back was facing me

Aur bodies were touching making me feel current

I Whispered near her ear

Nah baby i won't ask

She shivered before pushing me

Her push didn't effect me but she herself backed off two steps

And her face

Ohh God

Was looking like a red tomato because of the endearing I gave her that I wanted to bite

She calmed herself before again attacking me

What did you said she was coming towards me as if she wants to climb me

That won't be bad idea

But for now is it what if she pull off my hairs or more scratch my face

Can't trust she is now looking like angry kitten but cute

Before she reaches me another girl came between us her back facing me

Meh come on let's go we are getting late she tried to pull her towards car but her being Meher didn't bulged

That girl said something in her ear

After which meher kept her both palms on the cheeks and backed off

She must have realised that she was blushing hard

While going towards the car i heard them a little bit

girl : meh calm down babe

Meher : calm down calm down my foot

       Unhone sorry nhi kaha ( he didn't said sorry )

Girl : comeon meh we know who was at fault

Meher : are you his friend or mine you are also taking            

        His side

Girl : had to as he is my future ji

She was saying something but was unable to hear her

Her future what

But meher's unhone was so sweet

Even if she is irritated she hasn't forget to give respect

I like that

Siddiqui's must have given good teachings

While I was thinking faru said

Bhai fir sapne dekhne lagya kya bhabhi ke ( bro again seeing dreams of sister in law )

I like his bhabhi word but who will tell him

Shut up or else I will leave you here

Saying so I went towards the car started the engine and was driving driving slowly at human speed

While he was standing there lost in his thoughts

Are you coming or not

He jogged towards me before getting uncomfortable on seat

In the car also he was lost

Why are you running your useless brain I asked

He replied but not before hitting my arm

I was thinking how to get you both close

What who both

Idiot you and Meher bhabhi


Faru I know you are a very good friend and like a brother also but you don't have to think

Why don't you like her

You know I don't do relationships

I know bro that's why I was thinking about marriage

You are more existed then me i asked being amused

Yes ofcourse I want to see you happy

He said being emotional like he is my father

Ohh drama queen stop that thoughts

Why I like Meher

What did you said don't you like your face

Meher bhabhi let me finish first 

As a bhabhi it's fine

Hmm so where were we

Nowhere if she is in my destiny she will be mine definitely

Do you believe in destiny he asked being shock

Ofcourse because my mom does

Then I wish you to be together

You two will become a good couple

I wish too

Our car was going to crash asad's car but we got saved on time

He was so busy in checking his damages shouldn't he check if any person is injured

He is good looking that doesn't mean he will do as he wish

I wanted to hear his apology

But after hearing his endearing i can't help but go all red then also I was so determined for his sorry

And then my dear bestie interrupted saying I was looking like tomato

What ohh shit

Immediately placing my hand on cheeks i noticed they were hot

I myself embarassed me infront of him

We were retrieving towards the car when Alina took his side saying we were at fault

I asked if she betraying me

And she replied

Had to as he is my future jiju ( brother in law )

There i chocked on words as she called him jiju

Damn sure red hue will be reaching till my neck

I hope he didn't heard anything

Shut up Alina or I will throw you in dumpster

She got silent all of sudden and i didn't mind that

At college

I was looking at my books that were in my arms to check if something is missing or not

When suddenly someone collided with me and all my books fell a phone also fell along with me

Ouch i said removing the hairs coming infront looking up noticed a handsome boy but not more then Asad

Meher it's not the time ( my mind gave me reminder )

Ohh yeah

He forwarded his hand towards me before saying

Are you okay sorry I didn't saw you coming

Taking his hand i stood up and said

No it's okay I was also not paying attention

You sure are you not hurt anywhere

No no I am fine I said showing signs with my hands

I was going to pick my Books when he interrupted saying

Let me help

If he wants to do then he can

After picking all the things he gave them to me

Again saying sorry

Don't be it was both of our fault so it equal now and

Sorry for your phone it fell because of me

Ohh this it's fine anyways I was going to change the phone you made it easy he said causally chuckling

I also smiled a bit

When he forwarded his hand for handshake

Myself Yusuf Yusuf saeed

I was trying to forward my hand but due to the books it was not happening

Seeing me struggling he took some books from me


Myself meher Siddiqui

Beautiful name

Ohh yours also

What beautiful he asked being amused

No I mean it suits you


Btw I am getting late see you later

Yeah me too hope to meet again

He said going to towards staircase

I also went inside the class and sat

Doing my remaining works

At the end of the lecture the professor said

Students tomorrow is the award function so be prepared

Those who are going to perform and also who will be getting awards

Yeah function it will be fun

I also had to choose dress

Sir mam said we will get to know who is winning today

a boy asked

Yes it decided like that but got changed so it will be suspense till tomorrow

It's not fair all the students said in sync

But I think it will good whats the fun knowing before hand

At canteen

Alina texted me table number

I went and sat before attacking my food as I was very hungry

She ordered before hand our regular

Mine contains Puri with bolied potatoes, curd and mango juice

Her's contains aalo ka Paratha with sweet curd and orange juice

I was eating peacefully filling my mouth with food when Alina nudged me

Wab ( what )

I said looking at her

Asad is continuously staring at you

I immediately looked up our eyes collided

Asad was looking here only or somewhere else

Looking back I noticed no one is there

Again looked at him but after few minutes passed but he wasn't looking away so I had to

As I am damn sure that I am looking like a chipmunk with mouth full of food

After finishing my food I took Alina's hand before dragging her with me out of the canteen

Hey i didn't even finished my food she shouted before stopping me with her

In the urgency of going away from Asad stares i totally forgot that she didn't finished

Why were you eating like a snail bitch

Oh hello miss I was busy in doing your work

My work what

Yeah seeing if your Asad is still staring at you or not

First of all i didn't asked to watch and second he not my Asad

Not now but what if in future he is

You are impossible bitch go eat your food

You not coming


Why you can't take his sexy stare huh she asked with a smirk

You are you going or should I make your beautiful hair a nest of pigeons

Nah babe first tell is it that


Then come accompany me i can't eat all alone she said blinking innocently and dragging me towards canteen

Okay god I can't take his stare I shouted being frustrated and she stopped immediately

Smiling evilly she said

Say sexy stares

What the heck i won't

You are or coming with me

Noo noo wait i said breathing heavily

Hmm say

I can't take his sexy stares at the time finished speaking Asad walked out of the canteen and again our eyes collided

But now I can't take it why he always has to stare directly in my eyes

Bitch I stated loudly to Alina before running off

Am I running from Asad

No why will I

I had not steal anything

Then why are you running idiot ( my mind mocked me )

Yesh why saying so I stopped in a corner

Took all the oxygen available in my lungs before going for lecture

At parking lot

Standing infront of my car I texted Alina

Hey you coming after typing

I looked up only for eyes to get locked with asad''s figure

Which was looking so handsome  from the distance

What will he be like when he will be really close

As if you weren't close to him you freaking was in his arms yesterday and today also ( my conscious mind reminded )

Thinking about that my cheeks were heating up

I shrugged it off before looking ahead again when I noticed that he was already looking over here like he was directly staring at my soul he rose his one eyebrow as if asking what happened

What what happened

I didn't said anything thing

I moved my head left to right giving him sign that nothing has happened

That's when I got reply from Aloo ( potato )

I have saved her number as aloo as she literally likes potatoes very much

She is the big fan of potato

I am too but not like her

No babe I am busy right now

Why what are you doing

Collecting books from library for project

Have you done that

Yeah I already did that

Good topper

Shut up

Btw have you seen Asad ?

Huh why don't tell me yo..

Nah re nah I was asking for you

For me why

Why what he my future jiju so should keep an eye on him na for my bestie

What if he goes around flirting with girls

I blushed at first when she texted jiju but her flirt wali baath ( talk of flirt )

He is not like that

Ohh abhi se ( from now only )

What abhi se

Taking his side

Shut up you bitch

You bitch

Waise ( btw ) I know your cheeks are red

No it is not get out from your delusion world baby

You are the one in delusion babe

Bye tc

Whatever bye

I looked up but he was not there so I drove to home

At home I will take some good rest

Hello sunshines I hope you are enjoying the chapters

If not so wait for more chapters they are going be a blast

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